Carrie's Story

"We're finally having a baby!" After years of fertility treatments, we finally received news that we were expecting. Shortly thereafter, we found out our little bean was not one... But TWO! "We're having TWINS!" The joy that we felt on that day was indescribable. Released from the specialist at 9 weeks, we began the first of many visits to our regular OB. Anxiously awaiting the sounds of two tiny hearts... and only hearing one, it was confirmed that we had lost "Baby A" to vanishing twin syndrome. We were devastated, but determined to do all we could to keep our surviving baby as healthy as possible. Due to the high risk of harm to our healthy baby, we were unable to do a D & C. My body would have to absorb "Baby A" and continue to provide a safe haven for our remaining twin.
Weekly visits eventually turned into every two week appointments through my 17th week and we found out... "It's a BOY!" Big brother started making lots and lots of plans. Family time had resumed to a sense of normalcy until the day.... At 21 weeks and 5 days, our entire world was turned upside down. I went to the hospital to be checked for an amniotic fluid leak. Unbeknownst to us, my water had completely ruptured. There was no measurable fluid.
In a clinical fashion, the on call OB (not my regular doctor) reported to us what was happening. She explained that, because I was only 21 weeks, labor would not be stopped if it started. Our baby boy would be a late miscarriage. He would be delivered and would not have any chance of survival. She also gave us the option to induce labor, explaining we could try again with fertility treatments. Or... We could do nothing, waiting to see if I went into labor on my own. If infection set in, however, I would be delivered immediately. Complete devastation cannot begin to describe what we were experiencing upon hearing her findings and recommendations.
For us, there was never a question as to what we would do.. Even after speaking with the NICU nurse about statistics and long term problems. We were determined to give him a chance. For the next 19 days we stayed in the hospital on full bed rest. We were on a countdown to 24 weeks and steroids to help his lungs that could not be given to me until that time. He beat the odds, and surpassed the countdown!
At 24 weeks and 4 days Braelyn Cruise Tyler was born by emergency C-Section weighing 1 lb 3 oz and 11 ¾ inches. Fortunate to be at a hospital with a Level III NICU, the wonderful NICU staff was able to begin providing our son with top of the line care at the moment of delivery. After getting a brief glimpse of my baby boy, they quickly rushed him and Daddy to the NICU. It was found that not only did I have placenta previa, but had experienced placental abruption, as well. If delivery had been delayed much longer, he may not have survived. Our little boy was very sick for a while, but the nurses and doctors that took care of him were amazing. He soon began to show everyone what being strong and a fighter is all about. He crossed so many obstacles and overcame so much. Finally, when he was 19 days old, I was able to hold my precious sweet pea in my arms.
The rollercoaster of emotions our family was experiencing literally changed us all to the core. Leaving the hospital without your child is the hardest thing that we have ever had to do. We felt helpless and spent every second possible by his side. Daddy and big brother often seemed to suffer more because they had to attempt to carry on with normal activities. After spending a total of 117 day in the NICU... 5 months total of hospital stays, Braelyn came home on oxygen and an apnea monitor. By 6 months he was wire and tube free.
Braelyn just turned 4 years old, and recently started preschool. He is doing amazing and we couldn’t be any more proud of him. He is the happiest kid anyone has ever been around, and his personality is infectious. We have been truly blessed with him, and we are very thankful for everyone that has been by our side to get us to this point.
We are so grateful to be a part of this wonderful organization. Project Sweet Peas has allowed us to support families that are on the same path that we once were. There is something healing about being able to provide comfort to these families on some of their most uncertain days.
Weekly visits eventually turned into every two week appointments through my 17th week and we found out... "It's a BOY!" Big brother started making lots and lots of plans. Family time had resumed to a sense of normalcy until the day.... At 21 weeks and 5 days, our entire world was turned upside down. I went to the hospital to be checked for an amniotic fluid leak. Unbeknownst to us, my water had completely ruptured. There was no measurable fluid.
In a clinical fashion, the on call OB (not my regular doctor) reported to us what was happening. She explained that, because I was only 21 weeks, labor would not be stopped if it started. Our baby boy would be a late miscarriage. He would be delivered and would not have any chance of survival. She also gave us the option to induce labor, explaining we could try again with fertility treatments. Or... We could do nothing, waiting to see if I went into labor on my own. If infection set in, however, I would be delivered immediately. Complete devastation cannot begin to describe what we were experiencing upon hearing her findings and recommendations.
For us, there was never a question as to what we would do.. Even after speaking with the NICU nurse about statistics and long term problems. We were determined to give him a chance. For the next 19 days we stayed in the hospital on full bed rest. We were on a countdown to 24 weeks and steroids to help his lungs that could not be given to me until that time. He beat the odds, and surpassed the countdown!
At 24 weeks and 4 days Braelyn Cruise Tyler was born by emergency C-Section weighing 1 lb 3 oz and 11 ¾ inches. Fortunate to be at a hospital with a Level III NICU, the wonderful NICU staff was able to begin providing our son with top of the line care at the moment of delivery. After getting a brief glimpse of my baby boy, they quickly rushed him and Daddy to the NICU. It was found that not only did I have placenta previa, but had experienced placental abruption, as well. If delivery had been delayed much longer, he may not have survived. Our little boy was very sick for a while, but the nurses and doctors that took care of him were amazing. He soon began to show everyone what being strong and a fighter is all about. He crossed so many obstacles and overcame so much. Finally, when he was 19 days old, I was able to hold my precious sweet pea in my arms.
The rollercoaster of emotions our family was experiencing literally changed us all to the core. Leaving the hospital without your child is the hardest thing that we have ever had to do. We felt helpless and spent every second possible by his side. Daddy and big brother often seemed to suffer more because they had to attempt to carry on with normal activities. After spending a total of 117 day in the NICU... 5 months total of hospital stays, Braelyn came home on oxygen and an apnea monitor. By 6 months he was wire and tube free.
Braelyn just turned 4 years old, and recently started preschool. He is doing amazing and we couldn’t be any more proud of him. He is the happiest kid anyone has ever been around, and his personality is infectious. We have been truly blessed with him, and we are very thankful for everyone that has been by our side to get us to this point.
We are so grateful to be a part of this wonderful organization. Project Sweet Peas has allowed us to support families that are on the same path that we once were. There is something healing about being able to provide comfort to these families on some of their most uncertain days.