In Memory of Bernard BraunA life well lived
In each and every way, your gift is a valuable part of the story of every family
Project Sweet Peas is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
We rely on generous charitable gifts to provide services to over 500 families each month.
Giving Options
1. Make a gift online (see options for giving below)
2. Mail a check or money order with our gift form:
Project Sweet Peas
45 Boylston Ave.
Warwick, RI 02889
We rely on generous charitable gifts to provide services to over 500 families each month.
Giving Options
1. Make a gift online (see options for giving below)
2. Mail a check or money order with our gift form:
Project Sweet Peas
45 Boylston Ave.
Warwick, RI 02889
The Forever FundYour gift to the Forever Fund supports our bereavement programming, making a profound difference in the life of a grieving parent. Gifts to the fund provide support for memory boxes, informational items, remembrance events, and other services which support those affected by pregnancy and infant loss.
Financial Assistance "Food & Fuel" Fund9 in 10 families experience financial hardship during their time in the NICU. All donations received through the Financial Assistance "Food & Fuel" Fund will go exclusively towards a grant fund for families experiencing a NICU stay. Grant funding covers expenses including lodging, food and gas. All are necessities that families often find difficult to afford during their stay.